About Interactive Scientific Ltd (iSci) produce award winning beautiful science learning, research and communication products and experiences that connect the world around us with the invisible one that lies at the nano and micro scale. Nano Simbox™Molecules and me™ is a teaser for the full Nano Simbox™ platform which will be released to a select group of schools in 2017. Nano Simbox TM is a digital science learning and research platform for all ages that can be used in any environment from home to school to a research lab. It holds a digital lens on the invisible world of atoms and molecules taking students on a journey deep into the scientific underworld where they can be fully immersed in dynamic molecular, physical and biological behaviour. Through our bespoke, interactive, simulation of atoms and molecules student use guided discovery techniques to explore the molecular nano-world. Nano Simbox™ encourages learners to develop a deep understanding of abstract scientific processes that underpin the world around us.
LimitationsMolecules within Molecules and Me™ are usually represented as single entities. This allows the user to fully explore its structure in the space provided. This does mean that the molecules can often appear to be behaving like a gas as they move around when in fact they may not be (all molecules have some movement at a temperature above 0K). The simulations are taken at temperature, 300K. To further explore molecular behaviour please enquire about user testing the full Nano Simbox™ platform due for limited release in 2017.
Terms of Use
A NOTE ABOUT CHILDREN: Interactive Scientific Ltd Applications are designed for use by children. We share your concern for the privacy of children and do not knowingly collect any information about children through the Applications. In fact, except for Parent or Teacher Information (as defined below) we do not transmit any information recorded on the Applications back to our servers. “Parent and Teacher Information” means a parent’s or teacher’s email address collected for the purpose of sending a parent, teacher or other adult information about the Applications and recording an adults use of the “parents section” of the Application using certain analytics tools as more fully described in our Privacy Policy.
Contact usIf you are having a technical problem with the Molecules and Me™ Application, you may ask for technical support by writing to
[email protected] When writing to us, please be sure to tell us which app you are using, where in the Application you experienced a technical issue, and the device you are using. We will do our best to help you solve any technical problem, but we do not warrant, and specifically disclaim, that we will be able to resolve all technical issues.Interactive Scientific Ltd is a UK registered company 8393790